It's not poetic justice
That has me waiting all this while
It's the way a loving father
Deals with his child
So this is how I'm learning
Holding on and letting go
Sometimes yes and sometimes no
It's sometimes yes, sometimes no
This is a favorite song of mine that often comes to me when I need it most. As I look upon surgery week for Eric, I want to cling to the miracle that I know God is capable of doing, but I also feel like I need to be strong and prepare for the disappointment of it not working out the way I have prayed it will. I want all the prayers that go up on Eric's behalf to be answered with a resounding heavenly, "Yes, it's fixed!" But I also know that God's answers are perfect and perfectly timed and that they may not be the answers that I so desperately want. So here I stand in between holding on and letting go, trying to find a comfortable place to rest for a while.
the Judge will see you now…
9 years ago
Praying "Yes, please yes".